Marketing Professional Services


  • Market Driven Organization

This text “covers the waterfront” … from “What markets should we be in?” to “How to meet prospective clients?” to “How to build and maintain a professional-client bond?” to “How to create winning proposals and presentations?” to “How to maximize the flow of work from key client organizations?”  Content provides detailed marketing methods specifics – including “The Mandeville Techniques” – and guidelines on how to organize and manage a firm to maximize marketplace results.  This is the key reference text for professionals who are marketing their services. ($25)

Purchase and download this book (PDF) →
  • The Competitive Edge

This 8-cassette, 8-hour audio program is designed for professionals who spend part of each day driving.  The topics range from finding initial leads, to building client relationships, and to creating winning proposals and conducting winning presentations.  On each cassette, Dr. Rose shares insights about marketing methods that are most effective in that aspect of marketing.  Then, a variety of people – all of whom have enjoyed considerable success using those methods – candidly share their experiences – what they did and what outcomes they realized.  ($56)

Purchase and download this audio (MP3) →
  • Finding, Winning & Keeping Clients

This one hour VHS video, designed for brown-bag lunches, provides an explanation of every phase of professional services marketing.  Dr. Rose explains each segment.  Each explanation is followed by comments from principals of very different firms, describing how they implement that aspect of marketing in their firms.  Finally, for awareness, your firm’s leaders can explain how your firm does that aspect. ($97)

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  • Lead Finding

This 4-hour, 4 VHS cassette video program addresses what is usually the most uncomfortable aspect of professional services marketing:  Identifying early leads – opportunities for new work – and getting in the door with new clients.  Several methods are described.  For each, Dr. Rose provides a detailed explanation, then moderates a panel of three professionals who successfully use that method.  The goal:  give each viewer an option that’s both comfortable and produces new leads.  ($387)

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  • Mandeville, the Video, 2.0

This 4-hour, 4VHS or DVD video program provides an explanation of “The Mandeville Techniques” – the most powerful method used by firms for creating a true professional-client bond, and the method often cited as the biggest reason for a firm’s marketing success.  The first cassette/DVD provides Dr. Rose’s explanation of underlying concepts and “how to” steps.  The other three cassette/DVDs provide demonstrations of the process, applied to different clients and projects.  ($387)

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  • Mastering Client Service Management

This one hour VHS video describes a system designed to maximize the flow of work you get from “Strategic Clients” – your most valued client organizations.  Dr. Rose explains each facet, then three marketing leaders – with different personal styles and in different firm types, but all incredibly successful – share how they apply each phase of Client Service Management.  ($97)

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